The UKLTA has joined a global research project to assess the state of the legalTech industry worldwide. If you are a UK LegalTech company we need your help to put UK LegalTech on the map.
According to our own records, there are currently over 140 companies active in the UK legalTech space. To ensure that the outcome of the global research project is representative of the range of legalTech solutions being created here in the UK, we are inviting UK legalTech companies to take part in the survey.
The survey aims to compile the most comprehensive data ever on legal technology and its creators in order to provide unprecedented insights into the emerging sector, which will be complied into the Global LegalTech Report.
This unprecedented research project is backed by every major legalTech association in the world, including the UKLTA, Australian Legal Technology Association (ALTA), European Legal Tech Association (ELTA), ASEAN Legal Tech (ALT), Legal Tech NZ (LTNZ) and International Legal Technology Association (ILTA).
We have received responses from around 15% of UK legalTech companies so far and we would love to hear from more! We have therefore extended the deadline for responses until 18th September.
If you are a legalTech company and haven’t yet taken part in the survey, please register at and help us put UK legalTech on the map!